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PLA tableware Spoon Fork Knife Biodegradable manufacturer

PLA tableware Spoon Fork Knife Biodegradable manufacturer
PLA tableware Spoon Fork Knife Biodegradable manufacturerPLA tableware Spoon Fork Knife Biodegradable manufacturerPLA tableware Spoon Fork Knife Biodegradable manufacturer
PLA tableware Spoon Fork Knife Biodegradable manufacturer 點擊圖片查看原圖
品牌: PLA tableware Spoon Fork Knife Biodegradable manufacturer
單價: 面議
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨
所在地: 台灣
有效期至: 長期有效
最後更新: 2024-05-02 07:16
Item No. : 150mm

Product Name : PLA tableware Spoon Fork Knife Biodegradable manufacturer

Description :
1. November, 2007 PLA bottle manufacture Can make compost biodegradation bottle Plastics biodegradation Biodegradable Heat resisting Knife
Fork Spoon.

2. Biodegradable PLA Spoon Fork Knife decomposing environmental material tableware PLA environmental tableware manufacturer

3. PLA Use NatureWorks polymer .

4. Coupled with its unique environmental attributes, it is the only packaging material with significantly reduced greenhouse gas
emissions to combine performance with environmental benefits.

5. helps reduce the burden on our natural environment, and helps provide a better future for all of us on the planet

6. Youcheng believes it is possible to make life more convenient and more comfortable for people all around the world by
enhancing molding technologies to fully utilize the functions of plastics.

7. In order to research easier-to-use and more convenient container shapes to develop highly functional containers that utilize
the characteristics of the materials, and to get better ideas for new plastic container applications.

Specification :
Long:150mm. Width:33mm

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