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Hearing Protector

Hearing Protector
Hearing ProtectorHearing ProtectorHearing Protector
Hearing Protector 點擊圖片查看原圖
品牌: Hearing Protector
單價: 面議
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨
所在地: 台灣
有效期至: 長期有效
最後更新: 2024-04-28 07:53
It has been developed for demanding noisy environments and muffles even extremely low frequencies to a maximum degree, offers versatile protection and is very lightweight providing high wearer comfort. The wide, comfortable sealing rings are filled with high density foam, which gives optimum sealing and low contact pressure at the same time. It is ideal for use in environments with substantial industrial noise or construction machinery, airports and agricultural work. The product is also available in di-electric version without visible metal parts and in Hi-Viz green for workers who need hearing protection and be extra visible - on road construction sites, airports or other high-risk workplaces.

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