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沃德波養生高能量活水機 點擊圖片查看原圖
品牌: 沃德波養生高能量活水機
單價: 面議
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨
所在地: 台灣
有效期至: 長期有效
最後更新: 2024-05-09 05:40
The high activity and infiltration produce a cyclotron resonance. The unique small molecules have small surface tension, and are weak alkaline, which can effectively help the body to get rid of the wastes, pathogens and harmful substances, so that the original aging cell reborn.

Due to the high mineral contents, the activity of the cells is increased, the function of internal organs is strengthened, and body''s resistance to harmful substances and its own immunity are also improved.
1. Cell health defender, which is patented in many countries, the best fluctuation energy water.
2. The latest health science and technology, your wise select for entire life.
3. Half-width of NMR
Normal water116 Hz
Japanese longevity village’s water80 Hz
WATAW BIO high energy water47.46 Hz

4. Fresh 2 in 1, strict filtering, to drink the standard of international high standard.
5. With strict filtration, we adhere to offer you the best ultra-energy water.
6. Healthy drinking new concept
Purification Function + Energy Function + Green Function
This is a product without pollution. The weak alkaline ph value water contains high oxygen, small water molecules, fluctuation and can retain beneficial human minerals.

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