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Remote Array Solar Car Vent , Economic type

Remote Array Solar Car Vent , Economic type
Remote Array Solar Car Vent , Economic typeRemote Array Solar Car Vent , Economic typeRemote Array Solar Car Vent , Economic type
Remote Array Solar Car Vent , Economic type 點擊圖片查看原圖
品牌: Remote Array Solar Car Vent , Economic type
單價: 面議
發貨期限: 自買家付款之日起 天內發貨
所在地: 台灣
有效期至: 長期有效
最後更新: 2024-05-06 03:10
Never get into a hot parked car!

The AUTO-MAT is an enhanced mode car ventilator powered by sunlight or ambient lights. Utilizing high quality and powerful solar electrical generator to drive the fan motor. Vent out hot air to reduce temperature and humidity inside a parked car.

•Help eliminate scorching heat build-up.
•Powered by solar energy, no consumption of car battery, and pollution free.
•Equipped with crystalline solar panel that provides powerful solar output current of more than 700 MA; creates enough torque to ensure high air ventilating capability.
•Simple DIY installation, and could fit into most vehicle with sliding window glass of curved or straight top. Good for cars either with clear, dark windows or window attached with sun-film.
•No drilling, no nailing and safe.
•Design to prevent water penetration during car washing.
•Equipped with movable remote array that could best access sunlight into the solar cells, ensuring an effective solar application.
•Ventilator with remote array design is patented.

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